Being a member of The Skits is by-and-large a good thing, except for one drawback: our mortality rate is 100%. We take all we can get out of you, and when you leave you're nothing more than a hollow meat shell. Here's a list of our alumni, or what's left of them.
Left us in 2024
Stephanie Gallent (‘24)
Stephanie enjoyed giving human names to things that weren’t human. She was good at crossword puzzles…even the hard ones! For some reason, she had all the world capitals memorized. Her prized possession was her Ben and Jerry’s t-shirt. Please compliment her on it! Watch Steph be elderly in Monster Truck Mahjong.
Ben Grass (‘24)
Ben was a senior in the College of Engineering majoring in Computer Science. If he were an animal he’d be an Otter. He would be a 7’2” Lithuanian basketball player if he were 7’2”, from Lithuania or played basketball. His favorite color was yellow. An upsetting portion of his personality was based on Spikeball. He once got banned from Six Flags New England. He was a fan of shenanigans, mischief, and general buffoonery. Watch Ben’s career defining performance in Ring of Power.
Shamus Endries (‘25)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas porttitor congue massa. Fusce posuere, magna sed pulvinar ultricies, purus lectus malesuada libero, sit amet commodo magna eros quis urna.
Watch Shamus as Timothee Chalamet in He’s Always Soaking Wet.
Kat Martin (‘25)
Kat was studying god knows what, god knows where (Philosophy, Politics, and Psych - don’t ask her about it, once she starts there’s no saying she’ll stop). She had a number of accolades to her comedic name: most notably, eating a ghost pepper on a “do it you won’t” dare, when nobody…. Not a single soul told her that; breaking into British accents in front of professors and having them inquire, “where abouts in the UK are you based?”; and hugging NAY **koala-ing** strangers that she thinks she’s met.
Left us in 2023
Olivia Breitkopf (‘23)
Olivia asked that her bio be removed because she didn’t want you to know too much. They all knew too much.
Watch Olivia in Jazzy.
Sripad Sureshbabu (‘23)
Sripad might have made it on Tuesday, but it’s iffy. Thurs was a no go though, physics final review was happening right before the midterm, and he prbly needed to go
Watch Sripad as a vampire waiter in Velcome to the Garden of Olives.
Left us in 2022
TJ Sheppard (‘22)
Do not approach TJ. Do not make eye contact with TJ. If you see TJ on the street, say hello, but DO NOT stop TJ. If TJ asks how you are, tell him you’re “Good.” and then get as far away from TJ as possible. TJ is extremely dangerous. TJ does not take prisoners. If TJ were a frog, he’d make tons of frog themed jokes. TJ could not handle the pressures of being a frog. TJ can hardly handle the pressure of being a human being. TJ is just doing his best. TJ needs to call his mom. TJ is done now, goodbye. Watch him pee in Man Peeing.
Rhea Sinha (‘23)
Rhea was *half* the racial diversity in this group and she was very proud of it. She was either completely silent or extremely hyper at any given time. Watch her control planes blindly in Blind Air Traffic Controller.
gaby furman (‘22)
Gaby couldn’t do impressions not sure why she was here DERF. Watch her be bested by a princess in Rumplestiltskin.
Left us in 2021
Talia Lefkowitz (‘21)
Talia was a senior majoring in Performing and Media Arts but she was also Pre-Med. She was confused. Talia is from Los Angeles, which is a city in California. Once, she almost hit Sterling K. Brown with her car while he was biking in Beverly Hills and once she saw Chris Pratt buying frozen yogurt. Stars… they’re just like us! She used to be extremely blonde and then she went through “puberty” and now she doesn’t know how she identifies. Ask her about it sometime and see a grown woman cry. Watch her promote the use of birth control in Condoms.
Aliyah was a grad student in operations research and liked people, places, and things! She could skateboard and rap half of Alphabet Aerobics and do that weird thing with her feet. You know the one. Have a nice day! Watch Aliyah fall off her skateboard in You’re Out of the Band!
Robert Frank (‘21)
Rob drove a truck.
Joey Welsh (‘21)
Joey was a Skit.(Bio not found, sorry Joey)
Left us in 2020
Andrew Faber (‘20)
Andrew Faber is a senior majoring in Communication. He hopes to find a career involving comedy, either through entertainment (so fun!!), or advertising (not as fun :( ). Until then, he’ll be in the Skits... for however long it takes. Watch the group indulge him in Mr. Magoni.
Left us in 2019
Dave Lingenbrink was a PhD student in Operations Research. He probably should’ve spent more time on that, but hey, it's college (it's not). He usually uses sketch comedy as his fun fact, but it's useless here. His proudest achievement is probably making Our Place In The Stars.
Jason Michelson majored in ILR, although he admits that he was never really sure what ILR stood for. He aspires to be a stay at home husband, and considered minoring in creative writing or philosophy in hopes of pursuing that. Hailing from Long Island, New York, he enjoys nature, the beach, and desperately trying to make people laugh at all costs, like he does in Boxing.
Nina Leeds majored in ILR and is from Queens, NY. She loves belting musical theater songs and talking about how amazing NYC pizza is. (It’s because of the water!) Watch her combine her two seemingly unrelated loves, comedy and human resources, in You’re Obviously Fired.
Jonas was in the College of Engineering. He hopes that he is a friendly and approachable person and that everyone takes a liking to him. He really just wants friends. Check him out in Army.
Left us in 2018
Willow Hubsher studied ILR and communications. After graduation, Willow aspires to go to law school, become a successful stand-up comedian, or marry an investment banker. In her free time, Willow likes to paint her nails. They look really impressive. Watch her negotiate a piggy back ride in Bury Me.
Deborah Poznansky majored in food science. Her mom didn't write this bio, but if she had, it would note that: she has two parents who love her, she enjoys a good laugh, and she used to be so good at the piano and really should keep up her practicing. Have you eaten lunch yet? Don't forget to eat lunch. Deborah goes insane on stage in Two Doors.
Left us in 2017
Yusong Liu majored in English. He thought that'd be cool and that it'd help him get a girlfriend but it didn't. He also likes doing stand-up, writing plays, and holding hands with someone with hazel eyes. Watch him grasp for love in Cooking For One.
Polly majored in ILR, with a minor in ESS. She enjoys petting cute animals and eating pesto. Conversation lulls stress her out immensely. Watch her struggle with self-identity in Real People, Not Actors.
Left us in 2016
Emily Cosbar majored in Environmental Science and Sustainability. She is irrationally excited by nature and little else. She mildly enjoys graphic design, food, and travel. Check her out in "Video Will."
Michael majored mechanical engineering. He sure can operate the shit out of a lighting system. He will just destroy you in Pokemon. Look at how sexy and confident he is. Check out his performance in "Bombs."
Lisa majored in Applied Economics and Management. She enjoys wearing black and white, clean technology, and cracking the occasional poop joke. She may also have a slight gum addiction, but don't confront her about it because she will deny it. Watch her trot the boards in "Fine Silverwear."
Alex majored in Mechanical Engineering. She’s loves rollercoasters and hates heights. She’s also a fan of consistency. See her fighting her worst tendencies in "Basketball School."
Left us in 2015
Christian Dirado-Owens ('15)
Christian is a testament as to why you should stay in school. Aside from listening to his favorite band 'Benny and the Sweet Corns,' he enjoys adventure, cultural diversity, and sharing food. His sketch, "Shorely Boat," was a favorite of the Fall 2014 show, and rewards repeat viewings.
Colin Wentworth ('15)
Colin is the most handsome man in the entire world. Men and women alike swoon upon his approach. However, somewhat ironically, he is also the most lonely. For no one can truly understand him, and sadly -- never will. His sketch, "Tropical Paradise," is still held up as an example of how few jokes really need to be in a sketch. He currently works as a copy-writer at Simply Safe, in Boston.
adam Turkle ('15)
Adam once claimed, "I can't imagine liking comedy more than I already do." By all accounts, this was correct. Adam lived and breathed comedy, and now does improv & stand-up in the DC area while working at Alarm.com. He has a lion's heart and a jester's funny bone. He created "Conservative Monk," which contains "the greatest joke he never wrote."
Left us in 2014
Omar Cancio (grad)
John D. Rockefeller, Floyd Merriweather, Marty McFly…these are people who have never been used to describe Omar. During his time with the Skits, Omar held the unique distinction of being the second oldest and second youngest grad student to ever be a member of the group. His hobbies include wishing for the ability to dunk a basketball, convincing friends that his father is not Omar Little from “The Wire,” and continuing to postpone his purchase of a new PlayStation gaming system. Omar currently lives in St. Louis, but plans to walk 1,000 miles to meet Vanessa Carlton.
Dan Greener ('14)
For dish cleaning that packs concentrated cleaning power try Cascade ActionPacs dish detergent. ActionPacs combine the scrubbing power of Cascade and the grease fighting power of Dawn to leave your dishes virtually spotless with a brilliant shine in one easy-to-use premeasured pack Formulated with built-in rinse aid action plus water softeners to help prevent hard water deposits on glasses ActionPacs dissolve in your dishwasher to leave no mess only sparkling dishes. Simply load pop in a Pac and go.
Ethan Joseph ('14)
Maybe this is his bio? Maybe he just didn't submit one. I am Ethan. Would not Ethan write that last sentence?
Janelle Colomb ('14)
No bio submitted. She'll pay.
Adam Groner ('14)
A blurb!?!? You want a fucking blurb from me? You’ve got a lot of nerve coming back begging me for this. After everything you put me through? You just had to fill those pixels on you’re precious site, huh? So now you come crawling back pretending that posting some two-bit bio on the internet means anyone even gives a shit about memorializing me. This is low. Even for you. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Jacob Ritter ('14)
Aww, Janelle's picture on our site is so beautiful.
Beloved by all.
Looking for older grad years? Check out this running document: SKITS ALUMS
If you’re an alum and not on this list, please reach out to us via social media to let us know we should update it!
Left us in the before-times.
Stefan Lawrence
Stefan Lawrence hopped a train for New York City, marketed the crap out of a bunch of companies, performed with Elephant Larry in cities all over the country, and now lives in California with his badass wife and two hardy children. He now designs theme parks for a living which ain't a bad way to go. He likes tall ships, tiki drinks and Disneyland.