Cornell's history can be traced through the sketches of The Skits
Well, maybe that's overstating it. But we've made a whole lot of sketches through out the years, we’ve counted at least 8! Here are the shows we can remember. You can check out our sketches on YouTube!
Spring 2024: Be Fourth of May With You
This show featured: Pep Talk, Girly Scrub, Pirate Rap, Chernobyl Exclusion Getaway, and Invisible Ford Focus!
Fall 2023: The Skits Found Waldo and It Wasn’t That Hard
This show featured: Long Island Medium, Grammarshe, Cigarette Dog, Moat, and Chicken Allergy!
Spring 2023: The Skits Present: It’s been 30 years… Please move on
The alumni are back! This show featured some of our best hits from the past 30 years, all certified comedic bangers.
This show featured: Mayor Jesus, Ezra’s Speech, Disney Princes, Energiquin, Avalanche, and Amazing Race Karaoke!
Spring 2022: The Skits present: Your First Boy/Girl Party!
This show featured: Giuseppe, Santa, Lucky Pocket, The Clappr, Gerrymander Banter and Battleship!
Fall 2021: The Skits Present: Jenny, We’re Done. This is a breakup show.
This show featured: Elmo, Real! or! Plastic!, Fabiola, Jumping Day, Blue Pen, One Time Use and He’s Always Soaking Wet!
Spring 2021: The Skits Present: Rock!
This show featured: Voice Actor, Igort, Best Boy, Love Archipelago, Firemen and Break Up Announcers!
Fall 2020: The Skits Present: Let’s Try No Jokes This Time
This show featured: Move That Bus, Hidden Valley Ranch PM, Paper Towels, Coke Sponsorship, Prescription Drugs and Baby Guy!
FALL 2019: The Skits Present: A group of very bad ordinary people
This show featured: Couples, Denny’s, Waldo the God, Chili King, and Ferrero Rocher!
SPRING 2019: The skits present: Any person, any study, five dollars.
This show featured sketches like: MTV Cribs: Church, Professor Time, and Meet Cute!
FALL 2018: The skits present: From rags to slightly nicer rags
From Rags to Slightly Nicer Rags included these great sketches: Mr. Oatmeal, Condoms, Zookeepers, and Pathological Liar!
spring 2018: the skits present: HAGS
also spring 2018: the skits present: Shouldn’t we have graduated by now?
The alumni show! Featuring sketches written over the past 25 years of the Skits, performed by all of our alumni!
fall 2017: the skits present: family dinner
spring 2017: the Skits present… Ineffective camouflage
fall 2016: the skits present… come back to bed
spring 2016: skits v. cornell
Fall 2015: The Skits Present: Key Lime Lie
Less sad, but more silly. We had sketches about 16th century girl talk, lazy disciples of Jesus Christ, Nancy Drew's personal demons, and Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls.
Spring 2015: The Skits-O-Phrenics Make It To Nationals!
Our first show of 2015 was our saddest in a while. Maybe something was in the air, but we had sketches about guns in schools, teacher immolation, self-burial, leaving Neil Armstrong on the moon, and confusing a baby with a basketball. Shit got dark.
Fall 2014: Lunch Break
Lunch Break was pretty zany. God, these descriptions are hard. Cause how do I know if it was more or less zany? I'm just a current Skit, not some omniscient narrator. I need to fill this with text, so fuck it, this was Skits most zany show. Done.
Spring 2014: The Skits-O-Phrenics Really Messed Up This Time!
Contained such hits as:
"Cha-Cha Slide"
"Jesus's Brother Derrick"
"Tropical Paradise"
Winter 2014: Ivy League Comedy Festival
Included such hits as:
"Morning Paper"
"Son of Schwarzenegger"
Fall 2013: Picture Day
Containing such hits as
"Ben And Jerry"
"Excuse Me"
Spring 2013: The Skits-O-Phrenics Turn 100!
At our 20th anniversary, we had one of those reunion-y shows. We're already looking forward to our 25th reunion show in 2018! That is, if there's even still a world to perform for... oh god... all the signs I should have seen...